Y6OS Access Control Configuration Notes
This page contains basic recommendations for configuring a controller, barrier, and access rule in YourSixOS. Please refer to the platform guides for more detail.
- Adding a controller is done in the same way as adding a camera or any other device. Once it’s added to the platform, a “barrier” section should appear on the device management page.
- Adding a device to YourSixOS: Adding a device video
- Closing Circuit (N/O): “Normally Open” and thus would “alarm” when the circuit is closed (Recommendation)
- Opening Circuit (N/C): “Normally Closed” and thus would “alarm” when the circuit is opened
REX type
- Recommendation: Depends on wiring. If your REX relay is wired/set-up to close upon activation, then choose Active low (N/O). This means that the REX closes its relay when it sees motion or is activated. (Not all REXs are motion based.)
Identities & Credentials
Card info must be in hexadecimal format
Access Rules
Who is permitted to enter, where, when, and under what circumstances.
Authentication Profile
For each authentication profile a unique rule needs to be configured. For example, if I want to use a card to enter and a REX to exit then you will have 2 access rules:
- Authentication Profile: Card Direction: In
- Authentication Profile: REX Direction: OUT
Access Rule Options